Your compass in stormy times: Jürgen Lubig Soul Coach
Discover your inner strength, improve your emotional intelligence and calmness with Jürgen Lubig - Soul Coach.
Accompany people in challenging phases of their lives to unleash their full potential. Find your way into a new era full of self-confidence and clarity.
Discover your personal inner strength
Do you want to discover and unleash your inner strength? Together, we will open the doors to your potential. With over 30 years of experience as a soul coach and the powerful tool of the soul language, I will support you. You will get to know your deepest strengths and learn to apply them in all areas of your life. Discover how to overcome obstacles and courageously forge your own path. Experience the transformation that occurs when you unleash your personal inner strength.
Find personal growth and inner peace
Are you longing for personal growth and inner peace? Let's embark on this journey together. As an experienced soul coach, I provide a safe space for you to unfold and grow. Using the powerful soul language, we will explore your deepest desires and goals. You will learn to overcome obstacles and find serenity in your everyday life. Discover how to better understand yourself and live in harmony with your innermost needs.
Attain perfection in change with the soul language:
Change can be challenging, but it also offers an opportunity for personal growth. As a soul coach with decades of experience in the soul language, I will accompany you on this path. Together, we will harness the power of the soul language to guide you through changes. You will learn to see change as a chance and unfold yourself in new situations. Experience the magic of the soul language and find perfection in every moment of change.
☀️"Umgib dich mit Menschen, die sich nach Sonnenschein anfühlen." ☀️
Die Menschen, die uns umgeben, beeinflussen unser Leben in vielerlei Hinsicht. Sie sind die Spiegel, in denen wir uns selbst erkennen, und die Kraft, die uns vorantreibt. ...
Meine eigenen Träume verfolgen.
Mein Name ist Maria, ich bin 47 Jahre alt, verheiratet und habe drei wundervolle Kinder. Ich war schon immer künstlerisch begabt und hatte eine große Leidenschaft für die Kunst....
Wie finde ich mein Ziel?
Es ist eine Frage, die wir uns alle stellen: Was ist mein Ziel im Leben? Es ist eine Frage, die nicht so leicht zu beantworten ist, aber es ist eine, die wir uns stellen müssen, wenn wir unseren Weg finden wollen.
Your transformation begins NOW
Remember, every person has their own unique healing journey, and healing
only begins when you start...
Creator Energy

My life has changed for the better
"I was on the verge of giving up on life. It was Jürgen Lubig's professional commitment and
his intensive premium coaching helped me to rebuild and realign my inner compass"
Julia R
Head of Sales

Even a coach needs a coach from time to time
"Even a coach needs a coach from time to time. Jürgen Lubig's in-depth knowledge and experience inspired me greatly and brought about a fantastic process of change in me. I can now pass this knowledge on to my clients and achieve amazing results with them. Thank you, dear Jürgen, for generously passing on your knowledge."
Jessica M.
Business Coach

Taught the rules of life
"As a self-employed entrepreneur, I was always focused on other people, whether customers, employees or family. However, I forgot myself in the process. After a nervous breakdown, Jürgen Lubig rebuilt me and taught me the rules of life. Since then, I've taken great care of myself. My family, customers and employees thank me for it. - Thank you Jürgen.
Martina S.

Intensive support through soul coaching
"As a highly sensitive therapist, I have been in burnout recently due to the negative energies
and therefore at the edge of my existence. The intensive support through soul coaching with
Jürgen Lubig has brought me back into my connection. Now I know how I can protect myself
better and how I can use my abilities even better for the benefit of people. -
Alexandra S.