Metakinesiology® A Brief Overview
What is revolutionary about Metakinesiology® is its completely new approach. The human being is seen as an open-dynamic system, treated as a whole. In contrast, all traditional kinesiology approaches focus on the closed meridian system.
Metakinesiology® combines the latest scientific knowledge with ancient wisdom about energetic and spiritual laws, creating a synthesis. This aligns with Jürgen Lubig's principle of always focusing on what connects rather than what separates.
Since the human being is an open-dynamic system, the treatment method also needs to be an open-dynamic system. Metakinesiology® is designed in a way that allows new insights to be incorporated into a stable working structure, and each practitioner can bring in their own unique abilities.
As a result, a metakinesiological treatment is always individual, as each person has their own path to healing, and each therapist contributes their unique experiences, insights, and skills.
Basic Assumptions of Metakinesiology®
While all branches of traditional kinesiology only treat the closed meridian system as a part of the human body, Metakinesiology® regards the whole person, providing a truly holistic approach to counseling.
The Origins of Metakinesiology®
In the early 1990s, Jürgen Lubig developed Metakinesiology®, a name that expresses two things: Firstly, it refers to its origins in traditional kinesiology [Kinesiology is a branch of alternative medicine. The term "kinesiology" comes from the ancient Greek words κίνησις (kinesis, meaning "movement") and λόγος (logos, meaning "word" or "teaching"), and it means "the study of movement." Kinesiology encompasses both diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, with the muscle test being a central tool.]
Secondly, it highlights the completely new approach, as indicated by the term "Meta". [Meta is a Greek preposition (μέτα), meaning "with," "amidst," "after," or metaphorically "beyond." It is also a prefix that denotes a statement on a higher level than the current one, for example, metaphysics.] This term emphasizes the overarching perspective that allows Jürgen Lubig to establish connections between various scientific insights and millennia-old knowledge, synthesizing them into a holistic healing method.
Jürgen Lubig
completed thousands of training hours in various areas of traditional kinesiology and also obtained teaching qualifications in most of them. Throughout his years of practice, he discovered that a kinesiological energy balance could still be achieved even when omitting certain treatment points prescribed by the "schedule." This led him to consider simplifying the traditional kinesiology method.
Additionally, he delved deep into chaos theory and quantum physics, integrating the knowledge gained with his understanding of energetic laws.
The Human Being is an Open Dynamic System
Metakinesiology® posits that a person is more than the sum of their parts. Drawing from the insights of chaos research, it recognizes that a human being is an open-dynamic system. While it may seem strange and unfamiliar to label a person as a system, the meaning becomes clear when we reflect on the definition of the term. According to the dictionary, a system is "a composite and organized whole made up of several parts."
What does it mean to be an open-dynamic system? Chaos research and quantum physics suggest that a person is formed from an infinite sea of energy. In a simplified representation, the human system can be likened to a highly structured and interconnected energy vortex, in which energy should flow in an orderly, free, and harmonious manner. Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine refers to an open system as one that both receives and releases energy. Thus, characteristic of an open system is the flow of energy through it. Open systems exchange energy with their surroundings, whereas closed systems do not.
The meridian system, a closed system and the focal point of traditional kinesiology, represents only a part of the overall human system.
Conditions for the Maintenance of Open-Dynamic Systems
4 essential conditions apply to the maintenance of an open-dynamic system:
- The system must be internally stable and
- externally flexible on all levels.
- The flow: Input = Output.
- Self-regulation must be ensured.
On all levels refers to the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. To better understand these conditions, let's consider the physical level.
Being internally stable means that internal processes such as respiration, blood circulation, digestion, etc., must function properly.
Since the human body is exposed to changing environmental conditions such as cold, heat, dryness, etc., it must adapt to these conditions while maintaining internal stability; it must be externally flexible.
Input = Output means that the same amount of energy, food, air, etc., that enters the body must be eliminated. For example, if more food remains in the body than is expelled, weight gain will inevitably occur. Or, imagine inhaling less air than you exhale. Can you imagine yourself as a balloon that eventually bursts?
Self-regulation means that the human system must be capable of self-control and maintenance. You are probably familiar with examples from the environmental field. Nature, and we are a part of nature, operates according to the same principles. If something becomes imbalanced, everything collapses and perishes. Consequently, the following law logically and consistently emerges:
>>A system that is unable to regulate and control itself has no right to exist!<< This may sound harsh, but that's how nature is - harsh and just. Therefore, if the essential conditions for the maintenance of a system are not met, it collapses. For humans, this means becoming ill, and in the worst case, even dying. Jürgen Lubig refers to the mechanism that upholds and sustains such a system as the energetic immune system.
The Energetic Immune System
The key to understanding health and illness lies in the invisible, energetic realm. Let's take a closer look.
As mentioned above, we are an open-dynamic system. Graphically, this can be represented as a vortex or spiral (see illustration).
One of the fundamental conditions
for maintaining such a structure is called Input = Output. Let's assume that 100% of energy enters the system, then 100% must also exit. What does this energy do within the system?
It simply provides energy to energetic consumers such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. However, we should consider that energy is never consumed but can only be transformed. Therefore, this transformation corresponds to the output. Every action or activity within the system requires energy.
For better understanding, let's consider an example:
Let's assume that the energy distribution within our system looks like this:
- 70% for internal stability, e.g., respiration, blood circulation, digestion, etc.
- 25% for daily activities, e.g., work, leisure, family, behaviors, etc.
- 5% for emotional matters.
This adds up to 100% - and it must always add up to 100%.
Now, imagine you are under significant psychological stress, such as a marital crisis or a bereavement. The emotional percentage increases from 5% to 15%. However, since you cannot reduce your daily activities due to work and other obligations, which still account for 25%, the question arises: where do the additional 10% come from? The answer is that it comes at the expense of the body. It now only receives 60% of the available energy. This means there will be symptoms of breakdown. In simple terms, the system becomes ill! The weak points in the system are the first to shut down. Therefore, to recover, you either need to reduce psychological stress or reduce your daily activities, or perhaps use your energy more efficiently.
It's quite straightforward, isn't it? Here's another example:
Consider your wallet. The rule is that you only receive money if you have spent everything beforehand. In other words, you must spend what is inside. Saving for later is not possible. It's like inhaling and exhaling. You cannot keep a bit of air inside for later or breathe on credit.
But let's go back to the wallet. It has 100 EUR in it. You need 70 EUR for your livelihood, 25 EUR to commute to work by car, and you have 5 EUR left as pocket money. However, unexpectedly, you receive a 15 EUR parking ticket because you parked incorrectly in the city. Where will you get these 15 EUR from? You have a few options: either reduce the amount for your livelihood, or use public transportation instead of your car to commute, or negotiate with the authority that issued the ticket.
Do you understand the principle?
Now, if we apply this to Candida Albicans, the helper fungus consumes about 20% of the energy. You can now calculate for yourself how much energy you have left.
Causes of illness from a metakinesiological perspective
The ultimate cause of an illness lies in an inappropriate way of thinking and living, resulting in a disruption of the energetic immune system, where internal stability and/or lack of adaptation to the external environment are no longer present. It is important to consider all levels of the human being, as mentioned before.
With the help of the kinesiological muscle test and the working structure developed by Jürgen Lubig, it is possible to identify the cause of any illness, no matter how hidden it may be. In Metakinesiology®, the actual cause of an illness can be uncovered rather than just addressing the symptoms. Additionally, it can determine what is needed to restore harmonious balance and thus regain health.
Dealing with an illness from a metakinesiological perspective
Regarding counseling, Metakinesiology® is based on the following assumption, which is rooted in chaos theory and quantum physics. The human system knows exactly what is needed or what needs to be corrected in order to become healthy. This means restoring either internal stability and/or external flexibility. Consequently, it also knows which path of healing is the right one at any given time. Through the use of the muscle test, one can determine where within the open-dynamic system specific changes are necessary.
While an energy balance in traditional kinesiology was only effective until the next stressor appeared, metakinesiological corrections are long-lasting. This is because open-dynamic systems possess a kind of memory and are capable of learning, which closed systems, such as the meridian system, cannot do. Metakinesiological corrections are carried out by touching electromagnetic resonance points, the precise location of which is determined on the client's body using the muscle test.
Through these points, the necessary information for the system can be "input," shaping it in a certain way.
With Metakinesiology®, it has become possible to penetrate all levels of the human system, uncover the causes of illness, and make changes to the system in order to ultimately restore it to its original dynamic stability.
Preserving Free Will as the fundamental principle of Metakinesiology®
From a purely "technical" perspective, any imaginable change to the human system is possible. But is it also allowed? This question is always at the forefront in Metakinesiology®.
Jürgen Lubig is an outstanding expert in energetic-spiritual laws. The highest spiritual law that Metakinesiology® respects is the Law of Free Will. In Metakinesiology®, nothing happens against the will of the system. This is also verified using the muscle test.
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Practice as a Metakinesiologist
All activities of Metakinesiologists trained by Jürgen Lubig do not constitute the practice of medicine and are not diagnostic or therapeutic activities. All trainings offered by Jürgen Lubig for treatments/counseling are solely intended for health promotion, relaxation, and prevention. Therefore, if you suspect an illness, please consult a trusted doctor or naturopath first. Our activities are not conventional medical or scientifically recognized methods; they belong to the field of holistic healing and are based on our experiences and the experiences of our trainers and colleagues. We have carefully selected and use these methods in a way that ensures that no harm is caused to anyone. Our competence in this regard has been demonstrated through our examinations.